B-Team Corrosion Protection RO Ro   EN En   FR Fr   DE De   IT It   ES Es

The costs of corrosion. Have you done what is required to prevent them?

Corrosion is a phenomenon that is manifested by the deterioration of a substance (mostly metal) or its properties by interacting with the external environment.

Corrosion can cause a number of significant costs in water treatment systems, the piping, bridges, structures, etc.

Damages in the US, caused by corrosion, is about 276 billion dollars annually.

Studies in the field of corrosion capture the complexity of shares of corrosion prevention and control, the phenomenon is manifested in various forms and under the influence of a number of factors. It is necessary to know all environmental factors, the composition of processed products, the life cycle of components and corrosion prevention solutions for specific problems.

There are ten main forms of corrosion, but the situations in which we find one form are very rare. Even a particle of an alloy can manifest many forms of corrosion owing to exposure to environmental factors and the conditions in which this is happening in the system.

There are three main groups of corrosion:

1.      Corrosion can be detected by visual analysis. This group includes:

·        Uniform Corrosion

·        Pitting

·        Crevice Corrosion

·        Filiform Corrosion

·        Pack Rust

·        Galvanic Corrosion

·        Lamellar Corrosion

2.      To be identified, corrosion may require suplimentary examination. This type of corrosion includes:

·        Erosion Corrosion

·        Fretting Corrosion

·        Intergranular Corrosion

·        Exfoliation

·        Dealloying

3.       Corrosion requiring microscopic analysis:

·        Environmental Cracking

·        Stress Corrosion Cracking

·        Corrosion Fatigue

·        Hydrogen Embrittlement


Thus, it is necessary to adopt preventive behaviors to maintain a continuous production flow and reducing maintenance costs.

Togheter, we can develop strategies to protect areas depending on environmental conditions, providing a climate teams operating properly.

Source: http://www.uswaterservices.com/news/2013/04/the-high-cost-of-corrosion-is-your-plant-at-risk-part-1/