External coating for pipelines

External coating for pipelines
One of the biggest global oil refinery is located in Abadan, Persian Gulf. From here, a pipeline with a length of 90 km leads to the port city of Bandar Mahshahr starts. The pipeine was installed after about 7 years.
The oil has an inlet temperature of 90 ° C, and after long-distance transportation, the temperature cools down to around 60 ° C.
Typically, the coating provides long-term corrosion protection for underground pipelines. In this case, due to the high temperatures achieved on the course, the usual protection efficiency decreases significantly.
During its extensive refurbishment the pipeline is excavated in separate sections. The PP-wrapping is removed and surface damages are repaired. The substrate is grit blasted accurately. Afterwards our premium coating „Proguard CN 100 iso“ is applied easily by airless spraying method.
The repair and new coating of the pipeline is conducted during ongoing operation.
Oil with a temperature of 90°C flows constantly through the pipe.
„Proguard CN 100 iso” is applied directly on the hot steel substrate!
The 2-component epoxy coatings of our solvent-free „Proguard-Series” (VOC = 0 mg) are based on ultra-modern, unplasticized special resins. The Tg-value (glas transition temperature) of these coating systems is > 120 °C. Therefore, a tight cross linking of the polymer chains is achieved even at high substrate temperatures.