B-Team Corrosion Protection RO Ro   EN En   FR Fr   DE De   IT It   ES Es

Excellent corrosion protection of natural gas transmission pipelines

conducte transport gaze protectie anticoroziva


During the extraction process, natural gas is very humid and therefore very corrosive. Because of the high pressure, extreme abrasion occurs along the entire pipeline system on interior walls. Moreover, the high temperature and aggression of the hydrogen sulfide gas  requires a premium coating system and high rezistence inside the gas installation.

Over the transport pipelines, because of the slight tilt of the pipes, debris and moisture can be established in specific discharge outlets and can be removed separately from the rest of the pipe.

To maintain the normal operation of the gas transmission pipeline systems, it is necessary to apply an active protection, to protect pipelines and related facilities serving them.

ProGuard CN-1M-LV3 is recommended as an internal coating for corrosion protection of gas pipelines. This system shows a high mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance against hydrogen sulfide, containd by gas. ProGuard CN-1M-LV3 is applied as corrosion protection in 2-3 layers with a thickness of 300 pm, by means of airless / spray.

Before applying corrosion protection and during application, measurements are made to determine the condition of surfaces and corrosion risk assessment in accordance with the rules in force.

Get in touch with our specialists in to provide excellent protection of transmission pipelines, with a minimum of energy and materials, but with a high yield protection.