B-Team Corrosion Protection RO Ro   EN En   FR Fr   DE De   IT It   ES Es

Selection of equipment and metallic structures for corrosion protection

1.Selection and materials desing

In the development of equipment and structures, the way you select materials is very important. However, you must consider that there is no material resistant to all forms of corrosion.

What is more important when selecting materials?

Factors that may influence the selection of materials can involve corrosion resistance, planning and testing work environment in which we operate, mechanical properties, cost, availability, durability, compatibility with other system components, life cycle, reliability and appearance.

Corrosion control plan involv a process of material selection, operating parameters setting, geometry for drainage, electrical separation, avoiding or covering cracking, corrosion risk, duration of operation, maintenance and periodic inspections necessary.

2.Products for corrosion protection

Materials for corrosion protection are designed to protect metal components against degradation caused by moisture, salt or chemicals. Special materials for corrosion protection plays the role of barrier between the metal surface and aggressive chemical compounds or corrosive materials.

3. Anode protection, cathode and corrosion inhibitors

Corrosion inhibitors reduce the expansion rate of corrosion of the exposed metal surface to aggressive factors. In that way the surfaces do not interact with substances that facilitate corrosion.


Source: http://www.uswaterservices.com/news/2013/05/the-high-cost-of-corrosion-is-your-plant-at-risk-part-2/