How can you obtain internal corrosion protection for process vessels and filter tanks?
A corrosion protection system proves effective when environmental factors are identified, along with their level of aggressiveness. Here you find some information on the organization of inspections. In the next phase you need to identify the best technical solution to meet potentially corrosive factors. Finally, to achieve long-lasting corrosion protection is required a team specialized in the application of products.
Project No. 1: Chemically resistant internal coating for process vessels
PROGUARD CN-1M product has been tested by the customer, as required for long-term chemical resistance. The results have convinced on all aspects.
The application was made directly on the surface sandblasted (SA 2.5) form a single layer of 600 μm thick, by airless spray. If the outlet flanges and the application was done with hand tools. The procedure provides protection against aggressive chemical agents and thus are prevented corrosion maintenance costs involved.
Technical Details:
Tanks: 2 reactor vessels
Size: Height 3 m, diameter 2.6 m
Resistance against process medium:
Our product was tested and specified by the end customer
Coating product: PROGUARD CN-1M
Project No. 2: Internal coating of filter tanks
In this case, product PROGUARD CN 200 was used. It was necessary to abtain abrasion protection for the sand filters. Besides the sand affecting surface, the process is accelerated by the water velocity. Thus, to maintain quality of materials, product recommended for this situation was PROGUARD CN 200, applied by airless spray.
In general, a single coat is sufficient protection against corrosion and anti-abrasion for applications of this kind. Applied layer thickness was 500 μm. If the outlet flanges and the application was made by roller or brush. Moreover, rapid drying allowed rapid reinstatement of the equipments.
Technical Details:
Technical Details:
Tanks: 2 filter tanks
Size: Height 4.5 m, diameter 2.8 m
Range of use: Groundwater purification, the filter material was installed by the end customer
Coating product: Proguard CN 200
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Source: Ceramic Polymer Gmbh