B-Team Corrosion Protection RO Ro   EN En   FR Fr   DE De   IT It   ES Es

Protection of concrete and steel substrates

Anaerobic biocorrosion (MIC) causes much trouble in different sectors of industry. The anaerobic microorganisms provoke a 10-times higher corrosion rate by the release of specific enzymes (mainly ”hydrogenase”). Moreover, the bacteria produce toxic hydrogen sulfide. Only in Germany, MIC leads to losses in the amount of double-digit billions and to environmental damages of inestimable dimensions; 20% of all costs caused by corrosion are based on microbial destruction of the material.

Mainly responsible for the anaerobic corrosion are sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). These microorganisms accelerate corrosion in tanks and other technical installations, which come in contact with water and organic materials. Such surfaces have to be cleaned continuously; otherwise, gel-like biofilms form due to the rapid propagation of SRB bacteria. This process causes biofouling with a strong smell and slime formation which could be a precursor of biocorrosion.

An important part of our company philosophy is the new development of coating products for special demands. Through extensive and continuous research work, we are constantly improving the quality and the range of our product portfolio. Therefore we also provide adequate coating solutions for specific niche markets.

Extensive test series by our independent research partner have proven clearly that biocorrosion induced by SRB-bacteria can be largely prevented by using our special coating products. Therefore, effective and targeted protection of concrete and steel substrates for biogas plants and tanks for crude oil and hydrocarbons is permanently achieved.