B-Team Corrosion Protection RO Ro   EN En   FR Fr   DE De   IT It   ES Es

The effects and economic impact of corrosion. What risks are involved industrial area?


                                                             (Surface affected by corrosion)


Definition of corrosion


For those at the beginning of their study corrosion,  this phenomenon is manifested by gradual degradation of materials. It also can be defined as a chemical or electrochemical process that occurs between the material and the environment in which it lies. A number of factors begin to influence its structure.




The environment includes every element that comes into contact with the material / equipment. The main factors can be employed a following groups:

  1. Physical state gaseous, liquid or gaseous
  2. Chemical composition - chemicals present and their concentration
  3. Temperature

In isolated cases, there may be other factors such as velocity or mechanical stress. The risk faced by equipment can not be determined without accurate information on all previously mentioned items. Any approximation lowers the effectiveness of anti-abrasion and corrosion protection products used and assemblies will again be exhibited to aggressive environment. This point will lead to the involvement of maintenance costs.


Effects of corrosion


Corrosion affects the quality of industrial equipment, and this will decrease the quality of service that a company provides. Subsequently, these effects will be reflected in the consumer behavior.

If you were to make a list of the main problems that may occur due to corrosion in the industrial area, this would include issues such as:

  • The need for replacement of equipment affected by corrosion
  • Unplanified equipment shutdown
  • Products contamination
  • Decreased effectiveness of the equipment
  • Damage to adjacent devices

This list goes on, including economic issues. But how corrosion affects the quality of products and services, it involves a social perspective also. This may include the following problems:

  • Safety of employees - problems caused by corrosion can cause fires, explosions, elimination of toxic substances
  • The discharge of hazardous substances to the environment
  • Unpleasing aspect of  equipment covered by the corrosion


We want this information to be useful in developing a strategy to increase the safety of employees, maintaining equipment efficiency and avoiding maintenance costs. If you have any questions regarding methods of preventing corrosion and abrasion, we are always available with the following contacts.



Source: http://www.asminternational.org/documents/10192/1849770/06691G_Chapter_1.pdf