Plastics components

We offer you plastic components (duroplastic and thermoplastic) with excellent chemical resistance to acids, alkalis, solvents and oxidizing agents, for chemical, energy, matalworking industries, or everywhere corrosion can impact metallic materials,
Duroplastic materials are manufactured from polyester resins or vinylester resins, reinforced with E-glass (alkali-free textile glass), with carbon or synthetic fibres.
Thermoplastic materials can be polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF).
In supplying thermoplastics and composite materials as well, we provide you with an individual and reliable solution, even for highly specialized problems.
The advantages of plastics components:
Excellent chemical resistance
Low specific gravity
Great flexibility
Great ease of assembly and installation
Repair potential and suitability for extension work
Long service life
Common applications of plastic components:
Plastic components can be apply in chemical and petrochemical industry, pulp and paper industry, pharmaceutical industry, power industry, steel industry, metallurgy industry.