Pana la 31 iulie 2019 ai 25% discount la gama de polimeri ceramici
- PROGUARD 169 (37), culoare bleu RAL 5024, este un polimer ceramic poliuretanic bicomponent inalt reticulat, care creaza un strat de protectie cu caracteristici foarte performante si stabilitate indelungata in timp. Suprafata este lucioasa si rezista la radiatii UV. Prezinta o rezistenta excelenta la abraziune si o stabilitate a culorilor foarte buna. Se foloseste pentru protectia exterioara a rezervoarelor metalice. Rezistenta foarte buna la intemperii. Datorita calitatilor sale este recomandat pentru vopsirea podurilor cu structura metalica. Pentru mai multe informatii contactati furnizorul.
Discount 25%
Pret vechi: 100 lei/kg
Pret nou: 75 lei/kg (Pret fara TVA.)
- PROGUARD SF/LF este un polimer ceramic epoxidic bicomponent, care creaza un strat de protectie cu o rezistenta excelenta la abraziune si coroziune si se poate aplica pe o gama larga de suprafete metalice, fibra de sticla, material plastic armat, suprafete din beton din medii agresive. Rezista la mediu marin care prezinta salinitate ridicata si este agrementat pentru folosire pentru protectia anticoroziva a platformelor maritime. Nu necesita grunduirea suprafetelor.
Discount 25%
Pret vechi: 63 lei/kg
Pret nou: 41 lei/kg (Pret fara TVA.)
- PROGUARD ZC este un material de protectie special compozit ce contine praf de Zinc recomandat pemtru suprafete expuse termic si in medii corozive si se poate aplica pe tevi, fier forjat sau sobe. Acest material prezinta o rezistenta la temperaturi ridicate pina la 5000 C, asigura o protectie anticoroziva durabila si stabilitate mecanica. Foarte bun pentru cosuri si tubulatura evacuare gaze arse.
Discount 25%
Pret vechi: 187.5 lei/kg
Pret nou: 140 lei/kg (Pret fara TVA.)
Coatings and acid-resistant brick linings – how to ensure long-term economic benefits
Do to the exposure of tanks to a wide variety of aggressive acids (phosphoric and sulphuric) and mechanical stress, essential anti-corrosion measures were selected for each tank according to the particular chemical, mechanical and specific environmental conditions.
30% reducere la gresie antiacida. Profita acum de cel mai bun pret!
Caramizile si gresiile antiacide sunt frecvent folosite oriunde suprafetele sunt expuse la substante chimice extreme, stres mecanic sau abraziune. Stratul de gresie sau caramida antiacida formeaza o structura combinata, etansa, extrem de rezistenta la coroziune si uzura.
Internal coating of activated carbon filter tanks with PROGUARD CN 200
One company located in Germany fabricates complex devices and tanks for filter technology and water treatment as well as large steel construction. Recently the company produced 6 huge filter tanks for gravel and activated carbon filtration. To provide durable value preservation for the customer, the inner area of the tanks were coated with Ceramic Polymer GmbH system PROGUARD CN 200.
Approved corrosion protection systems for fresh water / inland water
Ceramic-Polymer SF/LF-SW system was recently tested and approved against corrosion for freshwater / inland water by The Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) in Karlsruhe/Germany.
Ne marim echipa! B-Team Consult and Services cauta muncitori necalificati
In cei peste 15 ani de la infiintare, B-Team Consult and Services s-a implicat in zeci de proiecte la nivel national si international, devenind una dintre cele mai importante companii in domeniul protectiilor anticorozive industriale.
Acum dorim sa ne marim echipa si suntem in cautarea a 10 muncitori necalificati.
4 sisteme de protectie pentru apa potabila
Pentru aplicatiile dumneavoastra specifice, alegerea celei mai potrivite solutii va ajuta sa protejati suprafetele si mai ales investiile prin:
- Cresterea duratei de functionare a instalatiilor
- Reducerea intreruperilor nepravazute pentru reparatii sau interventii
- Functionarea continua a echipamentelor
- Economii importante la costurile de intretinere
Protectii anticorozive pentru metal si beton
Alege din lista de mai jos produsele care se potrivesc proiectelor tale, pentru a proteja impotriva coroziunii si abraziunii suprafetelor metalice si din beton. Preintampina pierderile financiare si asigura functionarea continua a echipamentelor.
Instalatie de incinerare a deseurilor protejata permanent impotriva coroziunii
Materialele pe baza de polimeri cermici Proguard CN-OC si Proguard CN-1M au fost aplicate cu succes pentru protectia unei instalatii de incinerare a deseurilor.
Inainte de efectuarea aplicatiei au fost realizate teste de rezistenta, placi acoperite cu produsele Proguard fiind introduse pe termen lung in interiorul cosului. Acestea au rezistat cu succes, fara efecte de coroziune sau peeling pe placile acoperite.
Protectie la coroziune pentru suprafete metalice. Proiect de protejare a unui stalp metalic.
In aproape toate situatiile coroziunea metalica poate fi gestionata, incetinita sau chiar oprita prin utilizarea metodelor adecvate. Durabilitatea dorita se poate obtine usor printr-un tratament optim de protectie, care combina pregatirea adecvata a suprafetei si aplicarea metarialelor de acoperire potrivite.
Skid-proof and chemically resistant! Flooring systems from Ceramic Polymer GmbH
The concrete floor of the engineering room (area of 431 m2) showed no sufficient protection against wear and chemical influences. Due to the application of Ceramic Polymer flooring systems, a resistant and non-slip surface was created; the result is a durable preservation of the concrete floor as well as an extensive improvement of the occupational safety.
B-Team Consult and Services certificata din nou pentru standarde inalte de calitate
Compania B-Team Consult and Services a fost certificata cu succes pentru managementul de mediu, sanatatii si securitatii ocupationale prin standardele international SR OHSAS 18001: 2007 si SR EN ISO 14001 : 2005 de catre TÜV Rheinland Romania.
Ceramic Polymer: Internal coating of a storage tank for solvent-mixture
The internal coating of a big storage tank was conducted with Saudi-Aramco approved product Ceramic-Polymer SF/LF-ARAMCO-APCS-2i, 28, 117.
The storage substance, a mixture of toluol (methylbenzene) and MEK methyl ethyl ketone (butanone) at an operating temperature of 80°C is extremely aggressive. Specific coating system was applied by multiple layers with a total thickness of 700 µm at the wall and 1.600 µm at the bottom. Therefore, efficient value preservation and long-term durability of the tank are provided.
Profita acum de oferta speciala la gresie antiacida
Caramizile si gresiile antiacide sunt frecvent folosite oriunde suprafetele sunt expuse la substante chimice extreme, stres mecanic sau abraziune. Stratul de gresie sau caramida antiacida formeaza o structura combinata, etansa, extrem de rezistenta la coroziune si uzura.
Protectia instalatiilor si rezervoarelor pentru apa potabila
Ceramic Polymer GmbH dezvolta in mod constant solutii de acoperire pentru protectia la coroziune potrivite fiecarei industrii. Produsul Ceramic Polymer KTW-1 a fost special dezvoltat pentru protectia instalatiilor de apa potabila.
Internal coating of slug catcher pipelines for the extraction of natural gas
During the extraction process, natural gas is very humid and therefore highly corrosive. Due to the high pressure and absorbed stones, extreme abrasion occurs on the internal walls of the whole pipeline system.
How to protect concrete substrates subjected to low temperatures? Find out now!
Storing acidic substances can damage surfaces. This involves series of maintenance costs. Would you like to forget about the periodic costs? This system offers this possibility and, in addition, can be applied at a temperature of -10 ° C. Find out more!
Proiect major in Turcia, de aplicare a sistemelor de protectie la coroziune
In zonele industriale unde sunt prelucrate, depozitate si transportate substante chimice, este absolut necesar ca suprafetele si echipamentele sa aibe o protectie optima impotriva coroziunii.
Internal coating of a huge heat storage tank
For durable preservation of the tank our internal coating Proguard CN 200 was applied. The use of our temperature resistant protection system within this innovative concept confirms once more the high performance and quality of the Ceramic Polymer brand coatings.
Innovative coating product for stainless steel
Ceramic Polymer GmbH has developed the new premium coating system Proguard CN-OC, which is designed especially for high requirements on stainless steel substrates. The idea to formulate such a specific coating was formed by a multitude of explicit customer requests, in which even stainless steel did not provide satisfactory corrosion protection.
Major project in Turkey
In industrial enterprise where chemicals are processed, stored and transported, it is mandatory for surfaces and equipment to have a optimal protection against corrosion. Such requirements, for durability of structures, corrosion and abrasion resistance were addressed by our customer Eti Bakir Co, Turkey.
Ghidul complet de selectie a protectiilor anticorozive industriale
Lipsa de fiabilitate sau intreruperile in functionarea echipamentelor pentru o perioada de timp conduce la scaderea productiei, cresterea necesitatii reparatiilor de materiale si automat cresterea fortei de munca alocata. Efectele economice sunt imediat sesizate, prin scadera profitului companiei.
Functional internal coatings for the wide spectrum of tank technology with Ceramic Polymer products
We deliver Ceramic Polymer suitable coatings for tank interiors to achieve long-term value preservation of different tank facilities for aggressive storage substances.
Ceramic Polymer: Internal coating of a huge tank for brewery effluents
The large wastewater tank of a well-established brewery in Laško showed heavy corrosion damages. Extreme rust perforation occurred in its upper third; the area with uctuating water levels. The sewage water contains an elevated oxygen level within this zone. Thus, this part of the tank is most susceptible to corrosion.
External coating of 20 beer-tanks
The storage and fermentation tanks each contain 2.400 hectoliters of beer. They have a height of 23 m and a diameter of 4-6 m. The inner material of the tanks is stainless steel, on the outside 10-12 mm steel partial corroded by the demands of long operation time.
Corrosion protection: Learn how to significantly reduce maintenance costs for a pool!
The municipal pool in Archie Dillon Sportplex (Timmins, Canada) was closed for annual maintenance actions. Also this year, the usual water treatment actions were replaced, because of the risk that the whole structure of the building to be affected.
10% discount pentru mortar antiacid si gresia antiacida
Beneficiaza acum de 10% reducere pentru sistemele de protectie anticoroziva. Astfel, cresti durabilitatea echipamentelor si reduci consturile de mentenanta (oferta limitata).
Corrosion protection: anti-acid plating with anti-acid tiles, anti-acid mortar and rubber lining
For the optimum corrosion protection of concrete tank, the surface was coated with special materials. To obtain the best results and outstanding corrosion resistance, the technical solution was composed of:
A pipe affected by corrosion was found near the site blast in April 2016. Find out how to increase the level of safety for your business!
Federal authorities are investigating the explosion of gas pipeline from Westmoreland (USA), in which was found a pipe affected by corrosion. It is worth mentioning that the pipeline is placed parallel to the one that triggered the explosion.
Corosion protection products market growth forecast at 28.02 billion $ by 2024
According to data published in Grand View Research report, demand for anticorrosive products reached 5821.3 kilotons in 2015 and is expected to increase at 10196.6 kilotonnes by the year 2024. This development is favored by the increasing number of industrial projects in order to reduce maintenance costs by preventing corrosion.
In luna iunie 2016, cifra de afaceri din industrie, in termeni nominali, a crescut fata de luna iunie 2015 cu 3,2%
In luna iunie 2016, cifra de afaceri din industrie pe total (piata interna si piata externa), in termeni nominali, a crescut atat fata de luna precedenta cu 5,2%, cat si fata de luna corespunzatoare din anul precedent cu 3,2%.
Corrosion and abrasion protection: UV-resistant coating for Germany`s longest whitewater course at the “Tropical Islands”
For protection against UV radiation, weathering and abrasion, a corrosion protection system based on polymer ceramic was applied all over 250 m of concrete channel.
Corrosion led to the explosion of a pipeline. Learn how to prevent such events!
Such cases show the importance of a team specialized in the application of corrosion protection. Each factor must be carefully analyzed, and the technical solutionadapted to corrosive potential
Corrosion prevention means reducing costs and energy consumption
A corrosion protection system provides safety to your business. Maintenance costs are reduced considerably and you can see changes in energy terms.
How can you obtain internal corrosion protection for process vessels and filter tanks?
Two projects that will ensure long-term corrosion protection. Thus, the maintenance costs will be reduced considerably.
10% discount: patru solutii pentru prevenirea coroziunii
Beneficiaza acum de costuri de mentenanta reduse, precum si de mentinerea unui flux de productie continuu! Cele patru solutii de protectie anticoroziva vin cu 10% discount (oferta limitata).
A simple way to obtain corrosion protection: High-Quality Cartridge Systems with Ceramic Polymer Coatings
Find out how to ensure long term corrosion protection using very simple application methods!
Sisteme de protectie anticoroziva pentru industria alimentara
Acoperirile anticorozive formeaza o bariera fizica excelenta intre mediul coroziv si suprafete, care protejeaza materialul de degradare si coroziune.
Pentru mentinerea standardelor de curatenie si igiena, fara a fi alterata sau afectata calitatea produselor alimentare sau a bauturilor, va propunem produsul pe baza de polimeri ceramici Proguard CN 200 si cauciucul pentru protectie anticoroziva Chemonit 181 .
Sistem de protectie anticoroziva pentru ventilatoare
Un mod prin care elimini riscul aparitiei coroziunii. Astfel, cresti durata de viata a ventilatorului si reduci semnificativ costurile de mentenanta!
Hannover Messe 2016 si Project Iran 2016!
Ne bucuram sa fim prezenti la doua dintre cele mai importante Targuri Internationale in domeniul industrial si tehnologic: Hannover Messe 2016 si Project Iran 2016.
Oil industry: drilling site criticized after serious corrosion problems
Learn how to prevent such events and how you can significantly reduce maintenance costs!
Corrosion protection for pipelines in oil and gas sector. Evolution and trends for 2023!
Transparency Market Research has produced a new report on methods of corrosion protection for pipes in oil and gas sector. The document aims trends in the period 2015-2023. Also, is based on a number of important factors in this industry, such as infrastructure and maintenance works in the systems used.
Consumption of corrosion protection products: Market analysis and forecast for 2021
Potential for tremendous growth – Project Iran
We are excited to be part of the Project Iran 2016, the 2nd International Trade Exhibition for Construction Materials, Equipment and Environmental Technology, which will be held in Teheran on April 24-27
Integrated Industry – Discover Solutions
Only in Hannover can you find five leading international trade fairs taking place at the same time under one roof. All key technologies and core areas of industry – from research and development, industrial automation, IT, industrial supply, production technologies and services to energy and mobility technologies – can be found in Hannover from 25 to 29 April. Take advantage of all the synergies that HANNOVER MESSE has to offer. Welcome to the industry’s global hotspot!
Corrosion: Huge maintenance costs for Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge. See what happened!
Corrosion prevention is done by conducting inspections and applying specialized products adapted to the environment. Otherwise, events of this nature occur. See what were the costs of corrosion!
Oil extraction: External corrosion protection for columns and injection pipes
One way you can increase the durability of equipment in the offshore environment! Maintenance costs are significantly reduced
Corrosion Control: Why it`s important to monitor surfaces?
Some indicators show the necessity of applying a corrosion protection system. This means significant reductions in terms of maintenance costs
Corrosion: The cause for the oil spill in Santa Barbara!
Lack of preventive behaviors can lead to such a scenario. Corrosion can occur in less accessible areas and can expand rapidly. Find out what happened in Santa Barbara!
NACE International: Corrosion management will bring gains of $ 2.5 trillion globally!
A number of benefits that you can have with a corrosion protection system, and the main elements that involve corrosion management. Find out more!
Corrosion and abrasion resistance for a silo. Reduced maintenance costs considerably!
Here's a solution to prevent damage caused by corrosion and abrasion. Take a look!
Corrosion protection for a barrage. See images from the project!
One way you can increase durability by neutralizing factors that endanger the quality of your equipment. Find out more!
Corrosion: gradual degradation of a ship from World War II. See the analysis!
A piece of history gradually degraded by the effect of corrosion. What do you think?
Concrete floor coatings market will reach 1,2 billion $ in 2020
Flint: Water pipes without corrosion protection. What do you think?
The event in the city of Flint is not yet concluded. Now comes some explanations of the factors that triggered the appearance of corrosion. Find out the story unfolding around the city of Flint, and two ways that you can prevent corrosion!
Case study: Refurbishment of a pool filter. See the benefits and application process!
An example of best practice in the application of corrosion products! Learn how to avoid maintenance costs!
6 factors that influence the occurrence of corrosion. Do you give them the necessary attention?
A brief description of factors that influence the quality of materials. On future projects, you can make a checklist
Case study: internal corrosion protection for gas pipelines
How ensure corrosion protection for gas pipelines! Here's an example with good results
Corrosion: The story of Flint continues. This time in Burlington
A continuation emphasizing the importance of preventive behaviors. Leaving aside financial aspects, we talk about people's safety, and attention has to go here in the future
Corrosion: Flixborough disaster. Find out the causes of this event!
Such tragic events occur when there is no proper planning. People safety must always be in the foreground, and this is maintained by practicing preventive behavior. Find out what were the factors that led to the explosion in Flixborough!
Corrosion in a water treatment plant. Find out the effects!
Find out what factors influence the occurrence of corrosion and what questions can embed in plan to reduce maintenance costs!
Periodic inspection: important step in preventing corrosion
Periodic inspections play an important role in preventing potential equipment damage. Corrosion can occur, expanding rapidly in places less accessible, and this risk must be reduced. Find out when and how we organize inspections to avoid maintenance costs!
Damage up to a trillion dollars. How to prevent corrosion effects?
Flint water crisis: the effects of corrosion!
Lack of preventive behavior or lack the ability to identify signs of corrosion occurrence, represent two aspects that can have serious consequences in terms of people's safety, and a significant financial impact. Find out what happened in the city of Flint!
Proper preparation of the surface. Long term corrosion protection!
Surface preparation is an important milestone, because it can influence the characteristics of corrosion protection products applied. Read about the process of preparation!
How welding process influences corrosion? See some good practices!
What parts of the welding process influences the occurrence of corrosion! This can help you avoid some costs of maintenance
Future Market Insights: Report on corrosion protection and antacids linings
Find out what products recorded the highest growth in the previous period. Among them, it`s definitely included the technical solution that will guarantee you a significant reduction in terms of maintenance costs. Read more!
Ceramic products market will reach 1.9 billion $ by 2020
Corrosion control in the food industry. Add extra safety!
You know all the existent risks in the food industry? Learn more about how you can maintain quality and services they provide, and ways that you can increase the durability of your equipment
Accidents caused by corrosion. Find out the reasons!
Lack of preventive behaviors can lead to unpleasant incidents in the industrial sector. Find out what were the findings from the analysis of the factors that triggered the events!
The effects and economic impact of corrosion. What risks are involved industrial area?
Corrosion affects efficient industrial equipment, and this is reflected in lower quality products and services. Find out what are the effects of corrosion and the importance of applying a preventive behavior!
Refurbishment of a tank of a water treatment plant. Find out how it went!
The passage of time increases the risk of corrosion and abrasion. It is necessary to protect the surface to avoid maintenance costs. In this article you can see the condition of concrete structures without appropriate protection for environmental conditions
Prudhoe Bay oil spill. Event caused by corrosion
Although from inspections the equipment are in good condition, this does not eliminate the risk of corrosion. Protection systems unsuitable for environmental conditions can lead to a situation similar to that in Prudhoe Bay. Find out what happened and how you can avoid such a scenario!
What is and how corrosion occurs?
Corrosion affects quality materials and equipment in the industrial sector. Find out how this happens and what you can do to avoid extra costs!
Repairing and external coating for a concrete-transporter. Read more about the project!
Corrosion is among the main factors that involve many cots in the industrial area. Find out how to significantly reduce costs for concrete structures. You also have access to a wide range of products tailored for each industry segment.
Corrosion protection for concrete. Find out how to increase durability!
The systems used in this project increased the durability of concrete structures. See how the process was developed and how to apply these methods for your business!
Corrosion protection against transformer oil. How to keep metal quality?
In this article find a corrosion protection method, but you have access to a wide range of products. These are adapted for the aggressive elements present in your equipment. Find out how you can reduce maintenance costs!
Stey by step in obtaining corrosion protection for concrete storage room
Find out how we obtained chemical and abrasion resistance for a storage room. Besides this solution, you have a range of anti-abrasion and corrosion protection systems. Choose reduced maintenance costs!
5 resistance tests for corrosion protection systems. Here you can see the results
To obtain best results, select the corrosion protection system is made according to the conditions of the environment. Ceramic polymer-based products have passed a series of tests, their performance is proven. Find out more about the resistance tests and what the results were. The factors can be found within your industry
Corrosion protection for biomass plants. Significantly reduce maintenance costs
Corrosion protection systems for drinking water. Choose safety and quality!
Aggressive substances present in industrial processes affect the quality of steel structures. This means additional costs for maintenance and inactive equipment. But these problems can be avoided. Find a method in this case study. Corrosion protection systems can be adapted to any industry.
Refurbishment of 4,500 m2 steel construction. Let`s see the results!
Read a case study related to the application of a corrosion protection for metal surfaces. Maintenance actions have been significantly reduced. Find out how you can apply these methods to your business!
Lasting protection against salt-laden air. More safety for metal structures
External corrosion protection for 20 beer tank. A plus for quality!
Corrosion affect beer quality through infiltration metal particles detached from the inner surface of the tanks. Guarantee quality for your customers. Eliminate risks involved in storing beer!
Ghid pentru reducerea costurilor de mentenanta. Gasesti solutia pentru afacerea ta!
Ai la dispozitie o gama larga de produse adaptate conditiilor agresive de mediu. Cu siguranta acestea te vor ajuta sa prelungesti ciclul de viata al echipamentelor tale si sa asigur un loc de munca sigur pentru operatori. Descarca ghidul si alege cea mai buna solutie pentru tine!
Safely extraction of natural gas. Choose reduced maintenance costs!
How would it be without maintenance costs and with the benefit of a safe working environment for your team? This articol may offer you the solution you need. Just take a few moment!
Coating of activated carbon filters and collection container. What do you think about the results?
Safety of equipment is maintained by monitoring surface condition and knowing the effects that substances cand have when used in the process. A corrosion protection system, optimized environmental conditions, can help significantly reduce maintenance costs
Corrosion protection adapted for concrete structures. Apply the solution for your business!
You have the opportunity to significantly reduce maintenance costs. Considering the environmental conditions, you can apply a corrosion protection system that guarantees efficiency and durability for your equipment. Take a little bit from your time for this case study. It may be the solution you need.
4 methods for corrosion protection in offshore applications
Conventional corrosion protection products are not very effective in offshore applications. Factors present in this environment affect the protection system, increasing the risk of corrosion. In this case, what is the secret for equipment safety?
How do you imagine a corrosion protection system after 5 years since application? It`s intact and efficient!
Considering the aggressive substances, how do you imagine a corrosion protection system after 5 years of use? You have the opportunity to convince yourself!
3 projects for internal protection of tanks. View the technical data!
The selection of the protection systems is a complex process. It is necessary to adapt them to the aggressive substances present in the reservoirs. See what systems were chosen for the three projects!
Why it`s necessary to apply corosion protection for concret?
Materials stored in tanks or fermenters may affect the concrete structure. Have you encountered these two effects of aggressive substances?
How to protect a pipeline network with a length of 90 km? Find out the solution!
Grounded ducts are subject to factors that may lead to their deterioration over time. Find out how to guarantee the safety of the piping!
The effects of improper application of corrosion protection systems
Corrosion protection systems application is a complex process. If the application does not comply with the manufacturer's instructions, then you can not benefit the product properties. Find out what happens when your product is not applied properly!
How to protect concrete substrates subjected to low temperatures? Find out now!
Storing acidic substances can damage surfaces. This involves series of maintenance costs. Would you like to forget about the periodic costs? This system offers this possibility and, in addition, can be applied at a temperature of -10 ° C. Find out more!
A solution for corrosion protection of the pipelines. Find out details!
A number of aggressive factors can damage metal surfaces . This endangers the optimal functioning of the equipment. Find out a way you can avoid maintenance costs!
How to ensure corrosion protection and weather resistance? Find out now!
Identifying and neutralizing aggressive factors will guarantee efficient equipment. This case study offers a solution for corrosion and anti-abrasion protection of metal surfaces. Find out what steps you need to take!
5 factors that affect agricultural industry equipment
The aggressiveness of these factors affect the quality of metal surfaces. Find out about the impact on equipment and what you can do to avoid maintenance costs!
How to obtain anti-corrosion and anti-abrasion protection in a small hydro
SHP environmental conditions favor the occurrence of corrosion and abrasion. Find out in the following case study what steps need take for the safety of your equipment!
How you can extend the lifecycle of tanks and silos?
There is a number of factors that affect the metal surface of tanks and silos. Find out about these factors and what you can do to maintain the quality of the equipment!
How to protect concrete storage tanks of water treatment plants
Concrete tanks interact with factors that could have a negative impact on their integrity. Find out how you can identify these factors and the best protection solution!
The way you can forget about the factors that affect biogas plants
Permanent contact with solid materials and chemical influences can lead to defects in biogas installations. Learn how to solve these problems
The use and chemical behavior of metals and non-metals
The selection of the materials is a complex process. You need to identify each factor that can lead to equipment failure and involve regular repair costs
What damage bacteria can cause on the material surface?
Industrial equipment suffer major damage following the action of bacteria formed on metal surfaces. Microorganisms speed up to 10 times the evolution of corrosion by removing specific enzymes (especially dehydrogenase).
9 effects of corrosion. Have you noticed such situations?
Increasing the duration of use of industrial equipment, without applying corrosion protection systems, increases the risk of such effects. Immediate action is required to prevent major damage.
All companies in the marine industry face this problem. Find out the solution!
The activities in the marine industry take place in a hostile environment, which involves a series of periodic maintenance costs. Moreover, it is estimated the annual repair costs of 50-60 billion dollars worldwide.
3 simple ways to avoid equipment damage and prevent corrosion of materials
Quality of products and services is an important indicator of the performance of any industry. Reliability products cause the same effect smooth running of production and profit. Unreliable or failure of equipment functions for a period of time leads to lower production and increased need for equipment repairs automatically allocated employment growth. The economic effects are immediately notified by reducing company profits.
Selection of equipment and metallic structures for corrosion protection
In the development of equipment and structures, the way you select materials is very important. However, you must consider that there is no material resistant to all forms of corrosion.
The costs of corrosion. Have you done what is required to prevent them?
Corrosion is a phenomenon that is manifested by the deterioration of a substance (mostly metal) or its properties by interacting with the external environment.
The most important industry fair has opened its gates
B-Team Consult and Services will participate, along with Rema Tip Top GmbH, at the most important global industry fair, which will take place from 15 to 19 June 2015.
Corrosion protection for splash zone on oil platform
There is a risk of corrosion in the situation above and below average water offshore constructions. To obtain a durable corrosion protection was applied directly onto the metal substrate, "Ceramic-Polymer SF / LF-SRB."
Corrosion protection and rust prevention for a maritime oil jetty
Refiners processed into fuel of 1.3 million barrels of oil per day, and special chemicals. Singapore ranks in the top three worldwide in refining oil, even when they do not have their own resources.
Rust prevention and internal coating of electric dehydrator for offshore drilling platform
"Ceramic-Polymer SF / LF-ARAMCO-APCS-2i, 28, 117" was applied for a internal -protection for electric dehydrator for offshore drilling platform Lufeng 7-2 / South China Sea
Long-Term Corrosion Protection and Antistatic Internal Coating of Diesel Storage Tank
Lithuanian port-city of Klaipeda is among the most important commercial ports in the Baltic Sea. In 2013, over 33 million tons of goods were loaded. Oil trade in the region is enormous. Previous year, more than 7 tonnes, mostly from Russian refineries were stored or exported worldwide.
Internal coating of pipelines for high-temperature crude oil (80°C)
In China, riser pipes for an oil platform were coated internally with corrosion protection system PROGUARD CN 200.
Remarkable results in corrosion protections application for oil and gas installations. High performace coating!
More than 20% of global crude oil resources are in Saudi Arabia. The company "Saudi Aramco" state-owned company is the largest oil producers in the world. Besides 100 oil and gas fields, "Saudi Aramco" owns "Ghawar oil field", the largest reservoir of oil and it totals 260 million bbl. Besides a number of subsidiaries and joint ventures in a number of oil and gas, "Saudi Aramco" is the most profitable and valuable companie.
Corrosion protection for industrial flooring
A local Toyota workshop got a new, high-quality flooring for their repair and wash area with Ceramic Polymer’s coating systems. The product requirements were focused on high chemical resistance as well as high mechanical loads.
Corrosion products market will reach a budget of 23,385,000 euros by 2019
The new report "Market corrosion products - Global Trend and Forecast to 2019", conducted by MarketsandMarkets, includes an analysis of the evolution and market trends, the main target being the year 2019.
Power generation, infrastructure, construction machinery and transport are the markets with the greatest growth in the use of corrosion products. Huge financial losses caused by corrosion, demand from end-users and technological development in the field, represent key elements that lead to the evolution of the market.
Do you know the benefits of corrosion protection with rubber lining? Find them now!
The pH level of the transported fluids is always a concern when you need to find the adequate protection for rubber pipes or gutters. If fluid is acidic, natural rubber may be the right choice.The pH level of the transported fluids is always a concern when you need to find the adequate protection for rubber pipes or gutters. If fluid is acidic, natural rubber may be the right choice.
Concrete degradation – concrete corrosion - causes and solutions
Concrete is one of the most used building materials worldwide. The annual production is estimated at 1 cubic meter per person! However, concrete is sensitive to environmental factors and chemical factors that can affect the integrity of the concrete.
In addition to this, when it comes to construction and industrial projects, numerous actors are involved (producers of concrete, general contractors, builders, manufacturers products for corrosion protection etc.), that is why it is essential to understand in advance the various pathologies that could affect the integrity and functionality of concrete.
Concrete protection-system and products for corrosion protection and surface reparation
As metal surfaces, concrete surfaces require additional corrosion protection to ensure resistance to chemical and mechanical factors. Anaerobic microorganisms, by penetrating the concrete porosity, can cause massive erosion, which requires adequate corrosion protection of concrete throughout its life cycle.
To ensure the best results, frequently and complex tests are made on corrosion protection products. At one such test has undergone ProGuard CN-1M product, to highlight its ability to protect the concrete.
Epoxy paint - application and features to prevent rust
The paint is based on two component epoxy liquid - and a hardener epoxy resin - mixing them immediately before application. Once applied, epoxy paint is tougher and resistant to abrasion than ordinary paints. Due to properties, epoxy paint is resistant to chemicals and is often used in industrial plants to ensure corrosion protection.
Proper inspection of metal surfaces and how to prevent corrosion
Many of the tanks are designed strictly for the installing area, having different shapes, structures and purpose. All tanks require inspection, testing and regular maintenance, according to the regulations, and the tests were designed to determine the proper functioning of equipment and their life cycle
Corrosion paint under X-ray
LCN researchers have revealed detailed 3D image of an important industrial product used to reduce corrosion in the ship hulls. This work, carried out in collaboration with Akzo Nobel, a company in the field of paints and corrosion products, allows the identification of the aluminum powder pigment and filler components. Images were obtained by subjecting a X-ray test to the products.
Epoxy floors - Types and Maintenance
There are many ways in which the imposition of a series of corrosion products can help a business. From the aesthetic point of view, a floor can be a brilliant insight into a company dedicated to design and cleanliness. Moreover, application of floors that are not slippery and have no bump or cracks will help employees avoid work accidents. An efficient floor maintains optimal work flow, and this is reflected in significant financial savings. There are two types of supplied industrial floors: epoxy or Quartz, which can be installed in factories and warehouses.
Corrosion protection of a fiberglass tank for hydrochloric acid
B-Team Corrosion Protection recently applied an anticorrosive sistem based on ceramic polymers at one of the largest manufacturers of inorganic coagulants in Romania, with extensive experience in manufacturing and selling market of chemical reagents for water treatment, making it safe for drinking, for municipal wastewater or from various industries (paper industry, food industry, cosmetics industry, the oil industry.
Advices for applying corrosion protection in winter
The need to provide effective corrosion protection in winter can be a difficult task in most cases. This request usually means increased costs by the need to ensure a large amount of electricity to run a heating equipment, with constant surveillance of the installation. Isolation structures, reservoirs, tanks, for reducing heat loss require additional labor and constant maintenance.
Applying a protective layer in winter is affected by the ambient temperature and the viscosity of the product. Application of corrosion protection on a cold surface can cause the paint to freeze or to thicken making it difficult or impossible to implement, leading on to serious problems in long-term surface condition.
9.7 billion dollars on the ceramic anti-corrosive products market
Transparency Market Research published a report entitled "High-performance Ceramic Coatings - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2014 - 2020".
According to the report, the global market for high quality ceramic corrosion products was valued in 2013 at 5.68 billion dollars and it is thought that it will reach 9.07 billion dollars by 2020, marking a annually growth rate 7% between 2014-2020.0.
Use of nanotechnology in corrosion protection industry
Corrosion protection plays an important role in extending the life cycle of equipment and installations present in the industrial sector. Thus, by increasing the reliability index and decreasing the number of maintenance actions, the budget, including unanticipated expenditures, is minimized.
Researchers from ICST (Institute for Color Science and Technology Iran) are developing actions to improve the quility of anticorrosive products, by inserting nanoparticles. Results will significantly reduce losses caused by corrosion in many technology segments, including power plants, oil tanks, marine installations, installations for gas and oil, etc.
Good news for Romanian Industry
Comparing the period 01.01.2013 - 30.11.2013, the industrial production of 2014 has increased with 6.3% and as adjusted series was obtained a rise of 7.5%, taking into account the number of working days and seasonality .
Differences can be seen in November of 2014 to October 2014, which is a decrease of 6.2% and 0.8%, unadjusted series targeting or as series adjusted by number of working days and seasonality.
Industrial floors based on ceramic polymers
B-Team Corrosion Protection supports customers by providing advice and solutions for industrial flooring systems. Our products are known for their high quality standards so that we can provide the guarantee of a long-term protection regardless of your industry or area you choose to protect against corrosion.
B-Team Consult and Services SRL has a new home
We are glad to announce that starting Monday, September 1, 2014, B-Team Consult and Services SRL operates in a new building, located in the Timpuri Noi.
Concrete corrosion protection and Corrosion Inhibitor
Corrosion surface treatment is essential to ensure longevity of metallic materials and concrete, including when it comes to fertilizer industry or areas of agricultural production and livestock (corrosion protection in agriculture). Due to its moisture and oxygen, combined direct chemical attack (acid or alkaline nature), normal or galvanized metal structures may suffer serious alterations in time, leading to the destruction of agricultural facilities and equipment.
Corrosion protection systems based on ceramic polymers are applied in agriculture in complex systems against corrosion due to chemical resistance and resistance to extreme abrasion. The physical properties of polymer-based ceramic coatings ensure durability of metal surfaces regardless of the agricultural sector or branch to which they apply.
Food & Beverage Epoxy Industrial Flooring
Unlike other industries, when choosing floors in the food processing industry must take into account the final consumer`s safety first.
If in light industrial production areas, where are not involved consumables, uncovered concrete floors can be a perfectly acceptable choice, but cleanliness and hygiene of the surfaces in the food industry are extremely important.
Metal surface preparation before painting
Surface preparation for applying paint to metal is the first important step in the application of corrosion protection systems. Not only the choice of material applied shows an important role in the final outcome, but support preparation also, having a direct effect on durability, adhesion and resistance conferred by the coating.
Execution of metal surface preparation requires planning in periods to get the best quality surface without contaminants (rust, grease, moisture, dust). Also all metal surfaces to be protected with paint for metal, must be properly designed and manufactured so that quality standards are met (NACE RP0178, EN 14879-1, ASTM 4618, EN ISO 8501-1, EN ISO 8502).
Epoxy resins - advantages and uses
Epoxy resin is used in the reinforced plastics due composite materials, but can be adapted to suit any substrate. In addition, due to low viscosity, are effective in building various reinforcing materials. One of the most advantageous properties of epoxy resins is low shrinkage time during hardening (two component epoxy material with liquid initial state), minimizing internal stress, while improving adhesion to the substrate.
Depending on the particular curing agent, epoxy resin has a reduced curing time at any temperature between 5 ° C and 150 ° C.
B-Team Consult and Services SRL has been certified with the highest quality standards
Company B-Team Consult and Services was successfully certified for environmental management, occupational health and safety by international standards SR OHSAS 18001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2005 by TUV Rheinland Romania certification body of TÜV Rheinland Group.
From the beginning B-Team Consult and Services, a company specialized in providing products and services in corrosion protection and renewable energy, gradually strengthened the quality of services and products offered. The Business Excellence became part of the company's internal culture.
Excellent corrosion protection of natural gas transmission pipelines
During the extraction process, natural gas is very humid and therefore very corrosive. Because of the high pressure, extreme abrasion occurs along the entire pipeline system on interior walls. Moreover, the high temperature and aggression of the hydrogen sulfide gas requires a premium coating system and high rezistence inside the gas installation.
Over the transport pipelines, because of the slight tilt of the pipes, debris and moisture can be established in specific discharge outlets and can be removed separately from the rest of the pipe.
The ideal choice for corrosion protection for the entire wastewater industry
This year a company from Germany repaired a sewage tank heavily damaged / corroded. For tank corrosion protection system, it was applied a polymer-based ceramic "Beta Synthofloor CP 8016" as the first layer of insulation and ProGuard CN 200.
Due to constant contact with highly corrosive wastewater and polluted atmosphere, water tank shows an erosion depth of 10 cm. Reinforcement steel was exposed on multiple surfaces, making it extremely corroded, being necessary to apply an additional corrosion protection.
Screed aplication and multiple anticorrosion systems on various surfaces
B-Team Corrosion Protection cand proudly say that it has over 20,000 sq application of corrosion protection types, both in Romania and in Europe. Most projects, developed out over the years, have assumed complete systems products and technical solutions tailored to each work separately.
One such project is done at this moment, and assumes the application of a corrosion protection system at a retention tank of hydrochloric acid (HCL) (scred, two component antacids resin layer, sand, antacid mortars, anti-acid tiles).
Metal manufacturing and corrosion protection services
B-Team Corrosion Protection has just completed the execution of a portable washing plant, making rubber surface coating as specified, painting the preassembled (parts, technical segments, etc.) and building the envelope.
Execution of the rubber-corrosion and anti-corrosive paint application services were adapted to the specific conditions of the project. By applying polyurethane anticorrosive paint and implementing rubber protection, the structure will be protected to chemical and mechanical corrorsion, with the aim to extend the life cycle.
Decrease in carbon dioxide emissions by 1.3% in the European Union
Global emissions of carbon dioxide may be the first signs of a slowdown in growth rate. According to a new global report, emission rate in 2012 increased to more than half of the average of the last decade.
Some of the key factors may be represented by the use of shale gas in the US, while China increased hydraulic energy use by 23%. However, the use of cheap coal continues to be a problem, even in the UK.
Corrosion protection classification and corrosion resistance classes
ISO 9223 Standard classifies atmospheric corrosivity, based on measurements of time and moisture, and the categories of pollution (sulfur dioxide, chlorine, etc.). The standard is not recommended for use in extreme atmospheres, such as in chemical processing plants.
For the classification of pollution are taken into account chlorides and sulfur dioxide in the air, which provides a big coverage of rural atmospheres, urban, industrial and marine.
Resistance against 20% hydrochloric acid!
Last month one of our partners had conducted an internal coating with highest product requirements, for a trailer with a capacity of 79 mp and destined to transport 20% hydrochloric acid. Anti-corrosion internal coatings act as a barrier to inhibit the contact between chemical substances and materials. But there are just a few coatings, which have a sufficient resistance against minerals acids, bases, organic solvents or highly corrosive liquids.
A new range of special antiacids mortars
Asplit mortars is suitable for bedding and jointing of tiles, bricks and fittings made of ceramic or carbon for the production of chemical, thermal and mechanic resistant coatings and protective linings. We offer you, along with the mortars, also the primer needed to achieve a complet corrosion protection system.
Protective coating for substitution tanks
For several years many german companies uses the premium product “Proguard CN 200” continuously for the coating of specific substitution tanks. This kind of vessels for feeding systems of biogas plants are successfully applied in the whole biogas sector.
Proguard CN 200-LV2 - resistant against acidic detergent
Recently, a wash tunnel of the “German Railways“ in Dortmund/Germany was extensively repaired (complete replacement of the roof, insulation and covered of facades).
Premium protection systems for external applications
In 2008, the former company "Nord Energiesysteme Prokon" GmbH "Germany built two huge tanks for bioethanol. The containers have a height of 16.5 m and a diameter of 16 m. Because of the immediate proximity of the city to the rivers Schwinge and Elbe, but also the North Sea, the air is moistly and saline. This factor highly accelerated corrosion of steel.
To protect tanks from corrosion, inner and external coating systems was made with high quality ceramic, and inspected after five years of application.
Epoxy resin - ideal for metal and concrete structures
Coating selection is a critical step in the design of a product in any industry, and there must be take into consideration factors such as cost, performance and endurance over time.
When you take into account the cost of the whole structure, investment in safety training materials should be reported in long-term sustainability and additional value provided for construction structure.
External coating for pipelines

One of the biggest global oil refinery is located in Abadan, Persian Gulf. From here, a pipeline with a length of 90 km leads to the port city of Bandar Mahshahr starts. The pipeine was installed after about 7 years.
The oil has an inlet temperature of 90 ° C, and after long-distance transportation, the temperature cools down to around 60 ° C.
Corrosion protection against natural influences and long-term UVstability
From the tanks, pipes and cars used in drinking water treatment plants, corrosion is one of the biggest threats for investments in plant and industrial equipment.
Corrosion can occur at all points of support (ladders, bridges, pipelines, etc.), if they are not adequately protected, with direct consequences of stations operation and industrial plants.
Industrial epoxy coatings for industrial equipments
Industrial epoxy coatings offer a superior level of durability and protection of industrial structures. Epoxy paints are often used to protect equipment and facilities from rust, erosion and corrosion, providing constant resistance to chemical stress and heat stress.
Special epoxy paint is applied to protect tanks, pipelines, offshore platforms oil, oil tanks, bridges, water cannons etc. Depending on its characteristics, anti-acid epoxy paint can be very well use for application in damp and underwater.
Hannover Messe 2013 - world’s leading technology event
Hannover Messe is the only event dedicated to technology and industry, that brings together over 180,000 visitors from 90 countries, more than 150 international business delegations and 2474 journalists from 42 countries according to fair organizers.
B-Team Corrosion Protection want to create a new bridge between company and potential business partners and strengthen relations with partners from Europe.
Protection of concrete and steel substrates
Anaerobic biocorrosion (MIC) causes much trouble in different sectors of industry. The anaerobic microorganisms provoke a 10-times higher corrosion rate by the release of specific enzymes (mainly ”hydrogenase”). Moreover, the bacteria produce toxic hydrogen sulfide.
Only in Germany, MIC leads to losses in the amount of double-digit billions and to environmental damages of inestimable dimensions; 20% of all costs caused by corrosion are based on microbial destruction of the material.
ProGuard CN-OC - designed for the specific requirements of stainless steel substrates
Ceramic Polymer GmbH has developed a new premium coating system ProGuard CN-OC designed for the specific requirements of stainless steel substrates. The idea to achieved such a coating came as a result of specific customer requirements, , in which even stainless steel did not provide satisfactory corrosion protection.
Premium coating system designed for the specific requirements of stainless steel substrates
Ceramic Polymer GmbH has developed a new premium coating system ProGuard CN-OC designed for the specific requirements of stainless steel substrates. The idea to achieved such a coating came as a result of specific customer requirements, , in which even stainless steel did not provide satisfactory corrosion protection.
They have created a unique coating product line, which fulfills highest demands by the chemical integration of special organic fillers in our multifunctional, hybrid epoxy resin base.
The ideal choice for durable value preservation of the complex tank facilities
Polymer-ceramic protection systems for the entire maritime sector
Coatings, which are being used for offshore applications have to meet highest demands. The constantly moist and salt-laden air combined with intensive UV radiation is highly corrosive. Furthermore, extreme abrasion occurs within the tidal zone and the splash water zone.
Offshore facilities are frequently hard-to-reach. Therefore, repairs of corrosion damages are expensive and oftentimes impossible.